RYCO, an Australian company, has built a strong reputation since it commenced manufacturing hydraulic hose and fittings and other products in Australia over 70 years ago. Today, RYCO is known for its dynamic, world leading fluid conveying technology with high quality hydraulic hose and one-piece fittings. RYCO products are found servicing an enormous range of applications across mining, underground, forestry, construction, utilities, environmental, defence, marine, oil and gas, agriculture and more.


RYCO Crocstop & Crocsleeve

Your Safety Barrier! CROCSTOP comes in two sections to allow easy fitting and removal from a hose. Its design also helps to prevent dirt and debris from entering the sleeve. CROCSLEEVE is a key component of the CROCSTOP system. CROCSLEEVE is constructed of a densely woven, polyamide tubular sleeve, either black or red in colour. CROCSLEEVE is not affected by exposure to air, water, hydraulic oil and many other fluids.


Gasso Flex

Gasso manufacture composite and rubber hoses for a variety of gas, fluids and chemicals. All hoses Gasso manufacture are tested according to international certification standards.

Gasso also have a range of loading arms, folding stairs & platforms, couplings, and tank truck equipment.


Gasso Marine Heavy Duty

Gassoflex MARINE HEAVY DUTY is used in the loading/unloading of boats in marine applications which require a more robust hose. The product to be transferred will predetermine the most adequate configuration of the inner lining and inner and outer wire spirals. Various possibilities exist.

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